9:45 AM Sunday School

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
It’s been tough lately
That may be the understatement of the year so far. I spent 2 days at Obion County Central High School last week trying to encourage students and teachers who are grieving over the loss of 2 classmates and a parent. Then this week we experience deadly tornadoes just a few miles away with many loved ones impacted by the devastation. Telling people that this does not take God by surprise is true, but doesn’t go very far in soothing the pain and frustration. The best advice is to remain faithful, no matter what emotions someone may be experiencing during this moment, remain faithful. The God that we praised and worshipped during the good times of life is still the same Holy and Righteous God during the difficult times. We praise God and thank him for our faith during daily life, it is times like these when we must practice that faith we praise Him about. It is times like these that the best help we can share with those struggling is for them to see our faithfulness in action.
YouVersion Bible App
I will share this app over and over again. It is a wonderful tool and is available to everyone for Free!!! With that in mind, one of the best Bible Plans I have seen so far for those who are struggling with grief is called “Overcoming the Monster of Grief“. It is very encouraging and thought-provoking. Check it out and/or pass it on to a friend in need.
Youth Encountering Christ Weekend
YEC weekend for our youth department is next week. I pray every year that every teen that attends our church would attend this weekend. It is a weekend full of spiritual growth, relationship building, and worship. This is the place strong, Christian young people grow. As a mom, dad, grandparent, guardian, or friend, please do your best to encourage your teen to attend this great spiritual weekend.